First Blog: Why and What is Little Life Dose?

Oh hey there!

Thanks for visiting and showing interest to read about this brand new blog.

The idea of little life dose is quite old but it never took off. In fact, I have bought the same domain name back in 2015-16 but never wrote anything and eventually the domain expired. And now, finally after 7 years the calling came and here we are.

More than a blog, I wanted to have this as my internet journal and build a habit to write my thoughts. But then, why not share with other people and if they like it, I am more than happy.

Even tough I am not a native english speaker, may be writing blogs, reading, researching about topics and writing will help me improve my skills. Also, my personal framework of life and how I am planning to work it will be shared via this blog.

Let me tell you something about me – My name is Pritam Patil, I live in Munich, Germany and work as Software Engineer here from last 7 years now. I came to Germany for my masters studies and since 2018, I am working here full time. Originally I am from India and did my schooling from small town called – Bhusawal in Maharashtra state, not sure if it is shown on Google maps yet.

Let’s come back to the life framework I was talking about, so the I believe there are 4 important pillars in anyone’s life – Wealth, Health, Relationships and Giving Back. And I plan to write about each pillar as I live based on it and learnings around it. May be you as a reader of this blog and myself might even find something else as important pillars and discover new framework for life.

The name Little Life Dose has nothing specific, I just liked the name and found it a little catchy and tells anyone reading that it’s a dose of life, not sure tough how it will evolve in future 🙂 I also plan to start a podcast which will focus more on getting to know people around the world and their life experiences. Our guests will be mostly friends, friends of friends and like minded people who are willing to share something about their life. And of course you as a reader will have responsibility to take learnings out of it.

I am aware of the fact that this blog is too wide and not about a very specific niche, and my friends whom I talked to about starting this blog I got the same reply, but like I said, this blog will be more of a complete life and what I think might help anyone live a fulfilling life.

As today is 1st day of year 2024, I highly encourage anyone reading this to download the pdf attached which I built and write your goals as per Little Life Dose framework (LLD framework). And if you want to know more about the topics and join me on this journey to live a life where everyone could thrive, please consider to follow on social media or subscribe to newsletter.

Lastly, wish you all a very happy new year 2024! Take care of yourselves and people around you.


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